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Church Construction


Founded in 1972 with origins dating back to 1950, Church of the Epiphany has a rich legacy of sharing and exemplifying God's love in the community and beyond.



On All Saints day, Fr. Maynard announced over 60 members were willing to be trained to teach the Bethel series.


Quote from an Epiphany newsletter: “While we worshipped Christ’s presence in our midst, our constant striving is to love the Christ in each other!” Still true today!

February 18, 1979

Ordination of Fr. Louis Ludvik Tobola by Bishop Terwilliger

February, 1979

Epiphany Counseling Center mentioned in Rector’s report. It eventually was staffed full time.


Start of building of the new Parish Life Center – containing Office space and Sunday school rooms. The building was completed in 1980. After completion of Servant’s Hall in 2019, this space if being used for Sunday school, youth group, and storage.

Thanksgiving Eve, 1979

Dedication of new kneelers designed and hand painted on canvas by Jennifer Lokey. The design of the kneelers represents the words of the song “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. Each kneeler took about two years to sew. The project was coordinated by Mary Lee Whipple and over 30 stitchers created the kneelers and seats and backs for 3 altar chairs. These are the women who worked to produce the needle work: Jennifer Lokey, Andrea Rowland, Bonnie O’Neal, Mary Lee Whipple, Sara Waters, Ann Wall, Carolyn Fleming, Charlotte Fowler, Kay Wynn, Kaye Starling, Nancy Pedden, Linda Baity, Jolene Breneman, Lois Knight, Gini Moore, Betty Jean Chard, Susan McLendon, Judy Thompson, Barbara Philipson, Jane Schwartz, Deborah Aylesworth, Mim Stalker, Sandy Cook, Janet Osborne, Lynda Rought. Lucy Gilbert, Cathy Hicks, Jane Harakel, Donna Mallory, and Nola Trewin.

Early 1980’s

Brandywine ministry began. Once a month church woman would take a meal and entertain the residents of this retirement community. This continued until the Pandemic of 2020. During the same time period Epiphany started a monthly trip to Austin Street Shelter to provide a meal for the homeless of Dallas.


The sudden death of David Osborne, a young vestryman and father of three, created a large memorial fund in his honor. These funds would be used to hire Claire Wang to create stained glass windows for our nave. She was able to capture the essence of the spirit of Epiphany, creating for the east “Gifts from Within” symbolizing the three wisemen and the baby Jesus - God’s gift to us. The baptistry window she created would eventually be moved to our new chapel addition to Epiphany. This window is named “Beginnings” and symbolizes the waters of baptism.


The nave windows were donated by parishioners John and Rosemary Cheney, Peter and Audrey Hingle, Phil and Susan Petty, Bill and Lillian Rankin, and Dave and Kay Scott.


Retired Bishop Haden serves as our pastor after Fr. Maynard leaves and before Fr. Mike Klickman arrives. His tenure with us was a special time to have the honor of a Bishop as our pastor.


Fr. Michael Klickman, 2nd Rector

June, 1984

Fr. David Roseberry and Fran came to TX to be interviewed by Fr. Mike Klickman, the vestry, and Sr. Warden (Dan Weston). Fr. Roseberry had been ordained in Feb. of that year. By mid-August, he started on staff as the “Associate for Evangelism”. In October, Klickman leaves, and Roseberry becomes interim rector.

February, 1985

February Bishop Patterson will not let Fr. Roseberry be ordained as Rector, but supports him going to Plano to plant a church. In April, Fr. Roseberry and 13 parishioners from Epiphany met to begin the process of planting a new church. By the end of July, Fr. Roseberry leaves Epiphany and holds the first public worship service at Christ Church Plano on August 4th.


Network founded by churches in Richardson. Epiphany was one of the founders! Epiphany members have donated time and energy to Network. Many parishioners have been weekly volunteers and worked on or headed special projects and served as board members.

1985 -1989

Fr. Stephen J. White, 3rd Rector, Rev. Rosanna C. Kazanjian, Richard Spear, curate.


Epiphany helps plant a mission in Plano, with former associate Rector Fr. David Roseberry as its leader. This mission is to become Christ Church, Plano.

April 26, 1986

Rosanna Case Kazanjian ordination to the priesthood by The Right Reverend Donis Dean Patterson at Epiphany.

January 6, 1987

David Wayne Alwine ordination at Epiphany (on Epiphany).


Epiphany started neighborhood gatherings to make it easier for parishioners to know others in their same residential area. These gatherings were called Honeycombs and were very successful!


Cannon Stephen Weston, Interim Rector; Jesse Gonzales, curate; David Stinson joins us as organist and choir master.


Michael P. Metcalf, 4th Rector; Jesses Gonzales, curate.


Foyer groups, gatherings in homes, were formed on a signup basis. They were extremely popular. Couples would gather in different group members home and then have dinner together at a restaurant…. some groups also cooked a meal for the groups at homes. They continued until the pandemic 0f 2020 prevented them.

February, 1992

The first appearance of the Epiphany Troupers – talented church members who entertained us. The first production was Egad – What a cad! Janis Stillings started the group and in 1999 Bruce MacPherson took it over. This group provided great entertainment!


Epiphany began regular blood drives for Carter Blood Bank. According to records from Carter, we have donated 1079 units of and saved over 3,200 lives!

October 3-5, 1995

Faith Alive Weekend – its theme was refresh, revive, and renew.


Charlotte Fowler and five of her friends from Quilters Unique donated a beautiful quilt for the Chapel. It is a row quilt with each row symbolizing a Biblical story. The rows were: The Church, Noah’s Ark, Jonah’s Whale, David and Goliath, Old Rugged Cross, Nativity, Tree of Life, Joseph’s Coat, and Crown of Thorns. The quilt was blessed by Fr. Carlisle and given in honor of Lisa Awbrey Farrell for the many years she spent as Directress of Epiphany’s Altar Guild.


Boy Scout Troop 895 commissioned and remains active at Epiphany.


The first Fr. Drake Golf Challenge was 2001 and proceeds were contributed to his discretionary fund. Fr Drake died in 2011, and the last Drake Memorial was in 2014.


Don Candy and Jim Marshall asked to be in charge of a Renewal Campaign to refurbish the campus of Epiphany. It was a very successful campaign that raised over $250,000 in pledges.


Jim Marshall, Chairman of the Columbarium Committee, presented a budget to begin work on the Columbarium at Epiphany. Jim Marshall’s Dad, James Willliam Marshall Sr. first burial in the columbarium. Don Lin and John Tanner were also on the committee.


Epiphany went through some difficult times and Bishop MacPherson asked Father Metcalf to resign. The Rev. George Brookover, a Lutheran Pastor was recommended to us by the Canon for the Ordinary of the Diocese of Dallas. Previously, the Diocese had great success using him to help parishes heal. Father Drake played a great part in our healing. He was loved, respected and provided the continuity we needed. Rev. Brookover recognized the heart of Epiphany and led us to our motto of today. “Servants for God, our parish, and the Community”.


Fr. Richard Carlisle, Interim Rector, assisted by Fr. John Drake. Bishop MacPherson and Canon Neal Michell assisted us in our search for a new Rector.


With St. Luke’s and the efforts of Lana Valenta, Epiphany parishioner began a series of annual mission trips to Honduras that continue today.

September 22, 2004

Celebration of Fr. William Cavanaugh’s Institution as Rector of Epiphany by Bishop Stanton.


Fr. William Cavanaugh, becomes 5th Rector; Fr. John W. Drake, assistant; Seth Kellerman, curate. During Fr. Bill’s time at Epiphany, he helped establish an Epiphany Foundation which included planned giving.


Youth and adult mission trips help rebuild areas hit by Hurricane Katrina. Others serve Christ locally, And in Honduras and in Uganda.

March 24, 2007

Alan Seth Kellerman ordination to the priesthood at Epiphany.


Uganda Mission trips begin and continue every two years to the present. These mission trips are a part of the work of the Kellerman Foundation. Fr.Seth Kellerman, Epiphany Associate and son of Dr. Scott Kellerman, takes part in leading a mission. Parishioners work and teach in the orphanage for a week and then work in the hospital there an additional week. Diane Stanton was the chair of the foundation. Annually, $20,000 is donated by parishioners of Epiphany to support this ministry and to sponsor individual orphans. Parishioner Susan Aten provided dental clinics for Chain Foundation. In 2001, the Chain Foundation Uganda orphanage was started by retired Archbishop Livingstone Nkoyoyo in response to the local needs.


Mother Betsy Randall joins staff as curate. Mother Betsy is ordained to the priesthood at Epiphany on February 2, 2010.


Gardner Randall starts a new and successful tradition at Epiphany – The Annual Crawfish Boil.


The Epiphany Neighborhood Garden is built along with our neighbors in Heights Park. The garden continues to be Network’s largest donor of fresh produce.


With the help of parishioners from Coleman, Epiphany began their Community Garden. Gardeners paid $40 for their plot and 10% of their crop was donated to Network. The garden is still thriving in 2021.


On Epiphany’s 40th Anniversary the original building that was St. Margaret’s was renamed Founders Hall. These were the original Founders honored: Louise Chandler, Charles and Betty Jean Chard, John and Sandy Cook, Dave and Liz Coppedge, Charles and Lorraine Graham, Howard and Judy Green, Beverly and Dick Ingram, Tom and Sue Hardy, Don and Emily Lin, Richard and Helen Lorenz, Jim and Jodi Marshall, Bob and Susan McLendon, Bill and Lillian Rankin, Susan Tallmadge, D. John and Mimi Tanner, John F. and Sally Tanner, Jim and Silvia Trewin, and Dan and Martha Weston.

June, 2013

Was David Stinson’s, organist and choir master, last Sunday at Epiphany.

December, 2013

Corey Candler, organist and choirmaster, join us at Epiphany.

March 23, 2014

Launch Sunday for Onward, our building campaign to build Servants Hall including new offices, chapel, nursery and choir rooms.

September, 2014

Saturday services begin and continue through 2021.


Epiphany partners with Vickery Baptist Church to build the Vickery Garden with Myanmar refugees.


Charter for Epiphany Junior Daughters of the King Chapter.


Khmer weekly Morning Prayer Service begins.

April 28, 1950

The first service of St. Margaret’s Mission was held at Wildwood Chapel at Restland Cemetery. At one time the Sunday school met in the organ room of the cemetery chapel. Fr. Franklin Ruetz shepherded the beginning of St. Margaret’s Mission which worshiped in a school building, then a small house on Greenville, then built a church on Greenleaf, and eventually joined with St. Mark’s and became Epiphany. Fr. Ruetz gave us a strong start and was our leader for 3 years. Those years were a struggle financially.

July 25,1950

Sunday school met the first time. Altar Guild was active from the very beginning

June 10,1951

Bishop C. Avery Mason visited St. Margaret’s for the first time. A picnic was held in celebration of his visit. 17 people attended. That year the mission paid $40 to the Diocese for quota, and $21 for assessment.


There was a struggle to find land to build a church. The lack of space almost collapsed the church. That same year Pat and Emily Howell gave St. Margaret’s 3 acres of land on LBJ at Valley View. That property was not suitable for a church. The parishioners were very disappointed, and it was almost the end of the parish. The vestry had actually voted to disband the church. The Diocese paid St. Margaret’s for the property. This payment went toward building a new church on Custer at Greenleaf after that property was purchased.

October 1, 1953

After visits with the members of St. Margaret’s mission since 1951, Fr. Jose de Jesus Vega became Vicar of St. Margaret’s (originally called The Episcopal Church of Richardson).


St. Margaret’s purchased a house on Greenville. First, they removed the walls of the house to make more room, and then they built a worship hall in the driveway. 55 couples were listed as members.

May 22,1956

They deposited $1,000 earnest money with Mr. Gregory Good, to purchase 5.26 acres at Custer and Greenleaf for the price of $15,000. This is where Epiphany stands today! Based on today’s prices that land would be valued at around 5 million dollars.


Father Vega (first priest of St. Margaret’s prayed this prayer: As a great Mission, a great task has been assigned to us; and it is my fervent prayer that God give us His grace and the abundance of His mercy, that we, truly converted to him may become the instruments of His mercy in this community, and that we may be worthy to cooperate with Him in establishing His Kingdom in Richardson, TX. This year we would abandon our mission status and become a full-fledged church and Parish of the Diocese of Dallas. For our 50th Anniversary, Rev. Betsy Randall incorporated this prayer into the Prayers of the People at our services in 2021 leading up to our Jubilee Celebration.

Jan 6, 1957

On Sundays this was the schedule: Eucharist 8, 9, &10 o’clock and Morning Prayer at 11:30am and then Evening Prayer. Total attendance for all Sunday Services 115


The Parish Business Office was in the Rectors home.

July 28, 1957

St. Margaret’s was invited to attend the dedication of the chapel at the Church of the Transfiguration. Fr. Smythe H. Lindsay was one of the founders of St. Margaret’s Church.

December 1,1957

A. Blanchard Boyer invited our church to an organ and choir concert in Greenville, TX.

March, 1958

A plea was made to parishioners to buy hymnals at the cost of $2 each!!!

June 12, 1958

Father Vega becomes an American citizen. He was born in Guanajunto, Mexico and came to the US in 1947.

October, 1958

Paid off the lean on the church property at Custer and Greenleaf.


Father Vega was an amazing priest and a gift from God. He established The Holy Nativity Mission in Plano, before coming to Richardson. He then started a mission called St. Margaret’s in Richardson – meeting in the chapel at Restland Cemetery, then in a Richardson Elementary School, then a temporary house on Greenville Avenue until 1957 when St. Margaret’s moved to the property where Epiphany now thrives. Fr. Vegas 1956 prayer was answered. Fr. Vega left St. Margaret’s in 1959.

January 18, 1959

St. Margaret’s burned the mortgage on the property, and announced plans to build a new church building. During this time John F. Tanner was the Building Chairman.


Acquiring a corner stone for the new church was the work of the first Vicar of St. Margaret’s, Father Franklin Ruetz. He worked to find a relic of our namesake. Bishop Avery Mason, during a pilgrimage to Scotland, visited Dunfermline Abbey, built by Malcom Canmare, King of Scotland, and husband of St. Margaret. Ruetz’s visit provided the opportunity for the parish to receive a stone from this castle. Bishop Mason presented the stone to Fr. A. Blanchard Boyer when the St. Margaret’s parish relocated to Custer at Greenleaf. The stone was placed in the wooden altar of the newly built church. When the new Nave was built in 1976, that stone was used as the cornerstone. Underneath it is a plaque explaining its origin, above it is a plaque with the words used by Rector Father Dennis Maynard and Vestry in the construction “Built by Men through Faith in Jesus Christ”.


Molly Tanner Wagner, Daughter of longtime members John F. and Sally Tanner was baptized in the garage of the house on Greenville where St. Margaret’s worshipped.


A vicarage was bought on 620 Dumont for Fr. Vega, and was eventually used by Fr. A. Blanchard Boyer, who would become Rector of St. Margaret’s. The original church building at Custer and Greenleaf in 1963– Now Founder’s Hall and the café. Groundbreaking ceremony was on January 5, 1963.


St. Mark’s Mission was organized at the request of Bishop Avery Mason under the leadership of Father Andrew Berry. The first services were held at what would become the Promenade Theatre with a congregation of 68. As the mission grew it was obvious that they needed a new place to worship.

December, 1968

St. Mark’s broke ground and the new church was completed in May 1969. The building was plagued with cost overruns.


Father Berry resigned as Vicar of St. Mark’s. In August 1969, with Bishop Davies consent, they elected Fr. Dennis Maynard from the Diocese of Oklahoma as their new Vicar.


St. Mark’s is granted parish status by the Diocesan Convention. The congregation continued rapid growth but was handicapped by a heavy mortgage on a new facility already too small for their expanding congregation.


A cross was erected as a memorial to the Schexnayder family. They were strong supporters of St. Margaret’s over many years.

November 28, 1971

Bishop Davies of the Diocese of Dallas holds a combined Holy Eucharist for St. Margaret’s and St Mark’s congregations. He asked both churches to consider combining their resources to present a stronger witness for Christ in the Richardson area.

January 6, 1972

Our Birthday! St. Mark’s and St Margaret’s, meeting separately, voted (required to have a majority of 66% but was over 80%) to combine their parishes using St. Margaret’s property and St. Mark’s Rector Dennis Maynard. The initial symbol was the beehive, which depicts the Christian Community.

October, 1972

October Epiphany presented a banner to Holy Nativity Plano to celebrate their being recognized as a parish.


After the merger of Mark’s and St. Margaret’s, there were about 450 active communicants and by 1979 there were 1300! It was a church dedicated to being a family parish – a home – committed to Christ - a Christian community. Initially called St. Margaret’s and St. Mark’s – or St. M&M - which brought some laughs! After joining together, members of St. Mark’s performed a skit about Mark and Maggie and their “shotgun” wedding. The play was written by Vicki Walker, assisted by Chuck and Anne McClelland and D. John Tanner (who played the bishop) and Mimi Tanner.

Easter Day, 1972

The congregation voted to be named Church of the Epiphany.


By the end of the first year after the merger there were three services on Sunday and we were bursting at the seams. To make more space, the altar was moved from the north wall to the east wall of the nave so that those standing in the hall outside the double doors could also participate in the services!


Keith Shafer (organist) was hired.


Celebration to honor the ministry of Fr. Dennis Roy Maynard.


Church of the Advent merged with Epiphany.

May 3, 1974

Daughters of the King chartered.


The Bookstore at Epiphany started many years ago and has moved locations 2 or 3 times but continued to offer quality books and merchandise until the Pandemic of 2020.


Architect Gene Hildinger modeled our proposed new sanctuary after the design of Church of the Holy Cross. A special fund drive raised enough money for the down payment, and a bank loan was secured for the remainder. Construction was done by Blaylock Construction.

December, 1976

New Nave completed!!! Fr. Dennis Maynard Rector, Tim Church Curate.

December 18, 1976

Dedication of newly built Church.


The parish sponsors a Vietnamese family of 12, helping them to relocate to this country. 6 more relatives follow in 1980.

April 17, 1976

Fr. Dennis Maynard invited Father Vega, who shepherded St. Margaret’s church on this site in the 1950’s to the Consecration of our new sanctuary.


The altar cross created by Ludwig Koenninger, a Bavarian woodcarver represents the Eucharistic prayer: “Christ has died, Christ has Risen; Christ will come again”. It was given in thanksgiving for God’s blessings by Barry and Lynda Rought and John and Sandy Cook and their families. Smaller carvings at the back of the nave of the Holy Family and Jesus Blessing the Children were commissioned by Billy Mack and Betty Smith.


The ambry was made by parishioner and expert wood hobbyist Sankey Blanton. The brass door of the ambry was originally used by St. Margaret’s.


The Stations of the Cross on the side walls of the church were made possible by Woody Bray and friends in memorial of his late wife Peggy. Cast in bronze, each station weighs about thirty pounds


New Curates: Fr. Christopher Kelley and Fr. Louis Tobola under the supervision of Bishop Terwilliger.

December 11, 1977

Consecration of the organ, built by Roy Redmond. The organ was created from pipes gathered by the third rector of St. Margaret’s Parish, Fr. A. Blanchard Boyer. John F. Tanner also helped in the building of the organ. The cost is remembered to be around $35,000. Bishop Davies attended the consecration.


Ordinations to the diaconate were held in the new sanctuary for James Galbraith, and Frances Dawson Raffalovich.


Epiphany Church women published “The Tasting Bee” cookbook.


Honeycombs began! Nola Trewin conceived this idea and it was a great way for us to meet other parishioners who lived close to us. They met together monthly.


Folk Masses were common and popular in the early years of St. Mark’s, St. Margaret’s and Epiphany. Epiphany is a parish of incredible variety, incorporating all the best from both St. Mark’s and St Margaret’s, as well as many innovations on its own.

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