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Whether you're looking to serve, grow in faith, or build connections, Epiphany offers many ways to get involved. From volunteering with our children and youth, to bible studies, to overseas missions, every role helps make a difference. Join us in making an impact—your time and talents can bring hope and healing to others. Get involved today and be a part of something meaningful.


Acolytes serve as Master of Ceremonies, Crucifers, and Torch Bearers maintaining Anglican traditions as they serve in a lay capacity. Youth who serve as acolytes are taught the purpose of their lay ministry in assisting clergy with the liturgical tradition of preparing for the Eucharist. This is necessary to maintain the sources and history of liturgical detail and symbolism.

Altar Guild

Altar guild prepares the altar and sanctuary for weekly services. We also clean and press linens (and other textiles) used in those services. Each member usually serves one weekend a month, Saturday and Sunday morning.

Blood Drive

Four times a year Epiphany coordinates with the Carter Care Blood Center to sponsor the Blood Mobile for donations. The Blood Mobile comes to the Epiphany Parking Lot from 8:30AM – 12:30PM.

Bridge Groups

The Bridge group is made up of 12 regular members and 7 subs who are called upon when one of the regulars cannot play. We meet the second Monday of each month year round from 10-2. Each regular member takes a month to hostess which includes providing lunch for the group.

Canterbury Trail

Canterbury Trail is a class taught by clergy and discipleship leaders.  It is open to all and serves as preparation for those interested in baptism, confirmation, and reception.  We cover the following topics: the core beliefs of the Christian Church, Anglicanism and the Episcopal Church, Worship and Sacraments, Prayer, and Service.

Career Support Ministry

The Career Support Ministry began in the summer of 2019. We conducted a 6 session Career Explorations Workshop in the Fall for 18 participants. The team is Sally Stillings, Canon Neal Michell, Tim Gaffney, Jeff Stillings and Dan Weston.

Cherub Choir

The Cherub Choir is comprised of children in grades K-2. This ensemble sings at select Sunday worship services and together with the St. Cecila and Youth Choirs in presenting the annual Christmas pageant. Choristers are taught basic singing techniques and the beginning elements of music.

Coffee Ministry

The Coffee Ministry provides the important gift of fellowship for everyone who loves to drink coffee. Volunteers prepare coffee in our commercial coffee maker and distributes it to coffee drinkers who gather in the Cafe and Servants Hall.


The columbarium is set up for members and their family of Epiphany. This provides a nice final resting place. We try and make the process as easy as we can. We have resources available to help in your planning.

Community of Hope

Lay Chaplains affiliated with the Community of Hope promise to hold in their hearts and live daily the three Benedictine vows of Obedience (Listening to God and others with the ear of their heart), Stability (Staying with their commitment to the Christ within and to the place of ministry where God has called them), and Conversion (Knowing the mystery of God in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and continuing to be converted more and more.) Members of the Community of Hope visit people who are sick or shut in and provide companionship and a listening ear to the circumstances in their lives. The Rule of Benedict is incorporated as a spiritual model. Members of the Community of Hope engage in an extended period of training in all aspects of pastoral care. We meet monthly to pray, study, and discuss our visits in a meeting called the Circle of Care.

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King is a Women’s National Order dedicated to Prayer, Service and Evangelism. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our vision as members of The Order is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world.

Epiphany Youth Community (E.Y.C.)

The youth ministry consists of students’ 6th-12th grades. We have weekly Sunday school classes where we study our identity in Christ and serving the community through a curriculum called Alpha. Wednesday evenings the youth group comes together to enjoy fellowship with a meal, bible study, music, and prayer. We’re an active and vibrant community of teens involved in monthly outreach to local charities and yearly we serve away on our annual summer mission trip.

Flower Guild

Flower Guild provides floral arrangements for the altar, special services and all other events which are enhanced by flowers.

Funeral Guild

Are you interested in a ministry that does not require a large time commitment, yet makes a very tangible difference to others in a time of great need? There are 4 ways you can serve in this ministry. You can 1) provide food, both homemade and purchased are fine; 2) setup both prior to the service and during the service; 3) during the reception, circle through guests picking up used dishes and tidying up the buffet table; or 4) cleanup when the reception is over.

Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels is a senior, assisted living outreach ministry where volunteers take a short praise service to house bound residents at this home who have no access to attending weekly church otherwise.

Herb Garden

The ministry meets monthly to share the love of gardening with herbs. We have guest speakers and refreshments. Once a year we have a plant exchange. If you are someone who would like to meet others who enjoy gardening come join us.

International Student Ministry

This ministry supports the international students in our community. We host events and share our love of Jesus Christ.

Kellerman Foundation

The Kellermann Foundation sponsors and supports a hospital, a nursing school, and the indigenous Batwa Pygmies in the remote southwestern region of Uganda. The headquarters office for the Foundation is in Richardson, Texas and Epiphany has provided many Board members and Office staff members over the past 10 years or so.

Ladies Who Zoom

This is an ongoing book study for women via Zoom. Come read a chapter together, discuss, and share life. No homework. We have virtual meetings with occasional in person social events.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers & Readers

Assist the priest with giving communion to the congregation and reading scriptures and prayers during the service. LEMs wear robes and serve on the altar during the service. Lectors sit in the congregation and come up to read their assigned scripture.

Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study meets every Tuesday at 7AM. We read through a book of the Bible and discuss context and life application.

Ministry of Mothers Sharing (M.O.M.S.)

The Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS) is a group of Mothers of young children that meet weekly. We decide on studies/books/topics as needed, and co-lead. We sometimes meet off-campus for social outings.

Mission Honduras

Epiphany sponsors a mission team that travels to and works in Honduras every year during February. We work for the Episcopal Diocese of Honduras at the bidding of Bishop Lloyd Allen. We do construction work for their churches and schools, we sponsor a Christian Education program for elementary age children, and we help form and lead prayer and study groups.

Mission Uganda

Chain Foundation is an orphanage located in Mukono, Uganda that has been supported by the Epiphany Uganda Mission team along with Epiphany members and other sponsors throughout the U.S. Sponsorship monies are wired quarterly and provide food, shelter, clothing, education, spiritual, and emotional support to the children of the orphanage and the school. The Epiphany Uganda Mission team travels to Uganda typically every other year, with the next trip taking place in 2026 to offer support and service to both the Chain Foundation Orphanage and to Kellermann Foundation in the southwestern region of Uganda.

Network of Community Ministries

Network of Community Ministries is a Richardson based 501(c)3 Non-profit that serves fourteen zip codes. The mission is to care, coach, and empower our neighbors in need as they seek improved quality of life. Emergency services (food, clothing, rent, etc.) Senior networking and stabilization programs are some of the offerings.

Nursery Guild

This ministry supports the Epiphany Nursery by sanitizing, deep cleaning, and organizing the toys and materials as needed. Several times a year we meet and replace batteries in toys, remove broken or damaged toys, and do any maintenance required to keep our nursery clean and organized.


This study allows for you and another parish member to be flexible in the days, times, and locations that you meet. The purpose is an intentional investment in each other’s lives to develop a Christlike character. We hope that as you meet you will get to know each other better and your lives will be enriched by sharing our experiences and wisdom. These meetings are designed and expected to be a mutual learning and encouraging process.

Parish-Wide Study

Several times a year we offer Parish-Wide studies and meet together as a large group.  Some of the upcoming studies will cover the following topics; Stewardship, Advent, and Lent.  These intergenerational classes meet Sunday mornings for a specified period of time.  Information about upcoming studies are communicated through E-News and Announcements during the church services.                    

Searching the Word

Searching the Word is an adult Sunday School which focuses on the Bible.

Shawl Ministry

The Shawl Ministry is a group of knitters/crocheters who create various items for the people of our church. Shawls are given to those who might need comfort in the form of a warm hug from a shawl. Babies are offered blankets at baptism. There are small, knitted squares with a prayer attached for members to keep in pockets or purses or backpacks. These are available in baskets at the church entrances. We created anniversary squares with an anniversary prayer attached to celebrate our 50th Jubilee, and those are still available at church entrances.

Upper Room

The Upper Room follows an expository study of the scriptures model. The learning philosophy of the  group is summarized in three points: (1) The Nehemiah 8 approach to the study of the scriptures: a communal reading and understanding of the scriptures have the power to change lives. (2) A participatory Approach: Everyone has the potential to be a channel of the Holy Spirit as we study the word of God together. (3) Personal Application: A dedicated study of the broader concepts of the text with personal application, drawn by the participants.             

Vacation Bible School

VBS at Epiphany is an intergenerational event that supports current families and ministers to friends, grandchildren, neighbors and our larger community of Richardson. It meets one week a year, during Summer Vacation.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study meets every Tuesday at 9:15AM via Zoom. We read through a book of the Bible and discuss context and life application.

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir is comprised of sngers ages 16 and up. This ensemble leads all music during worship on a weekly basis. In addition to singing during the annual Festival of Lessons & Carols in December, this ensemble also sings for all major feast day liturgies and other special events.

Audio Visual Ministry

This ministry supports the audio and video needs of our growing congregation, attending to the microphones, sound board and video camera for all services in the main sanctuary. We also serve activities in the various conference rooms and Founders Hall, and special events.

Brandywine Outreach

Epiphany’s Brandywine Ministry continues a twenty year tradition of providing support, inspiration, and fellowship activities to seniors in the independent living apartments just across Arapaho on Custer. It is a great way to serve and make new friends with Brandywine residents and fellow Epiphany members. In October we will celebrate the opening of the newly enlarged Club Room.

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a men’s group whose three-fold mission includes prayer, study, and service to the community. We meet weekly for fellowship and Bible study, and we actively seek opportunities to serve as a chapter, and with other chapters in the dioceses.


Cantors are our vocalists that set pitch and lead the liturgical singing of psalms, canticles, anthems, and other sung texts during worship. Cantors often lead unaccompanied singing when a choir is not present. In responsorial recitation of the Psalter, the cantor sings the verses of the psalm and the congregation sings a refrain after each verse or group of verses.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Sunday School)

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is not only a religious formation curriculum for ages three years to 6th grade, it is also a spiritual community. This community of teachers, called “Catechists”, parent volunteers and children come to deeply interact with Father, Son and Holy Spirit through stories of the Bible and Episcopal liturgy and tradition. Strongly influenced by Maria Montesorri and her approach to learning, storytelling and hands-on aids are key.

Children’s Chapel

Children’s Chapel is the age-appropriate worship experience during both services for school-aged children. Chapel takes place during the “Word” portion of the adult service and includes similar actions: music, scripture, homily, prayers and response. The children then join the adults for the “Great Thanksgiving” i.e. Communion.

College & Young Adult Ministry

College and Young Adults meet weekly to deepen their relationship with God and each other. They participate in Epiphany outreach opportunities and serving on the altar.

Community Dinners

Simple dinners are held on Wednesday nights from 5:30-7:00PM for families attending choir or evening meetings. Everyone is welcome. Food is prepared and served by church volunteers.

Crawfish Boil

The Crawfish Boil is a fun annual event with food, beverage, music, children’s activities and a great party. The trinity of the event is Fellowship, Outreach and Mission. Fellowship with you parish family, Outreach by inviting friends and neighbors and Mission as all proceeds go to the mission work of the Church.

Epiphany Ringers

The Epiphany Ringers is comprised of musicians ages 18 and up and plays reguarly during Sunday worship services, as well as other events during the church year. The Epiphany Ringers also present in concert periodically throughout the year.

Fellowship of Epiphany Women

Fellowship of Epiphany Women is for all women of Epiphany over the age of 18. We meet for food, fun, fellowship and host two retreats a year.

Friendship Partners

A Friendship Partner is someone who befriends an international student by sharing their time, attention, respect, and concern in order that the student may experience the love of Jesus Christ.


Two volunteers are needed weekly for each church service to meet and greet people as they enter the church. The only requirements for the job are a smile and a joyful presence

Handmade with Love

This ministry sews dresses and has completed over 1000 dresses in total. Primarily our missioners who travel to Uganda take the dresses with them for distribution. We have sent some dresses to Honduras to aid after a weather disaster. This ministry is looking to expand our contribution to our community by sewing and donating other items such as burp cloths or receiving blankets. We would love your help to grow our contribution.

Hospitality & Special Events

This ministry organizes receptions for various events throughout the year, such as The Feast of Epiphany Reception between services in January, Easter breakfast for the choir between services often in April, Evensong in May, Senior Sunday Reception in May, VBS Reception between services during the Summer, Lessons and Carols in December, Baby Jesus birthday, December 24th and other special events/receptions at Epiphany as needed.

Junior Daughters of the King

Junior Daughters of the King (JDOK) provides girls or young women, aged 7-21, the opportunity to grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus Christ while actively serving church and community. They are an integral part of the Order of the Daughters of the King, and study with the goal of continuing the mission of The Order by transitioning to Senior Daughters. Girls are able to transition as early as the age of sixteen, with additional study. One of our Chapter goals is to help Junior Daughters become DOK members, with church homes available throughout the country, to support them spiritually as they begin their adult lives away from home. All members of The Order undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating a Rule of Prayer and Rule of Service. Junior Daughters make a promise, or pledge, of daily prayer and service. Unlike senior members of The Order, Junior members do not have denominational requirements – all girls are eligible, and must be baptized by the time they complete study to be admitted to Junior Daughters. Keep in mind that there really isn’t anything out there for girls quite like the Junior Daughters of King. A Junior chapter is often made up of girls of different ages, different schools, even different denominations, and yet they all make the same promise of prayer and service to our Lord Jesus Christ and all wear the same kind of cross. It is a unique opportunity. The St. Priscilla Chapter of Junior Daughters of the King meets month, on the second Sunday of each month, for 12:15 -2:00 PM. Additional activities occur on weekends.

Kitchen Crew

Teams of volunteers meet weekly to clean, organize, and maintain the kitchen. Members check inventory and report to the church office when supplies are needed. Weekly organization ensures that the kitchen is always ready to be used. Several times a year the entire group meets to deep clean and reorganize the kitchen.

Landscape Ministry

This ministry meets weekly to maintain the outdoor campus. Duties include weeding, trimming, watering, and general maintenance. The church hires a professional company to mow and edge the property. It is our hope that this ministry will provide the polishing touch to our beautiful campus.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

The Book of Common Prayer authorizes the distribution of Holy Communion by licensed lay persons in order to foster a corporate sense of the Eucharist among those who, by reason of illness or infirmity, are unable to be present in worship on Sunday or some other principal feast. This service is to be conducted by a duly licensed person immediately following such parish celebrations of the Holy Eucharist. In this way, those who are unable to participate with the congregation may nevertheless experience their relation to the community and also join their personal faith and witness to that of their community.

Men’s Club

Men’s Club is a fellowship group that meets on the first and third Thursdays each month. During the summer months we meet at church member’s homes once a month. We cook a dinner and just enjoy each other’s company. If you’re a cook or just someone who enjoys a good meal come join us.

Mission Cambodia

This year marks the first mission trip to Cambodia.  A team traveled in late June sharing the good news of Christ to the people of Cambodia.  We reach out in love and to care for those in and outside the church to help them to have a personal relationship with God and with the church community.  Along with sharing our Christian faith Epiphany collected used reading glasses to donate and visited many of the very remote areas of the country.

Mission U.S.

The US mission team is typically a group of 20-30 adults traveling stateside twice a year to serve another community in need. We partner with a local church, build relationships with them and provide outreach within their area.

Neighborhood Garden

The Epiphany Neighborhood Garden is made up of 40 leased plots and 25 raised beds. The ministry provides fresh produce to The Network. It is also a neighborhood outreach opportunity. This year we will be adding a gazebo to the garden thanks to the generous donations of Epiphany members.


This ministry is always on the look-out for anyone visiting or relatively new to Epiphany. We seek out these folks on Sunday mornings, give them a welcome bag, a tour, introduce them to Clergy and follow up during the week with either a phone call or an email. We also attempt to connect them into a ministry leader, fellowship group or Sunday School Class that we think might be a good fit.

Office Angels

This ministry supports the church office and assists clergy, staff, and the Parish Administrator to keep daily operations running smoothly. Duties include answering the phone, greeting guests, preparing mailouts and service bulletins, monitoring and maintaining the physical campus along with so much more. Each angel signs up for a four-hour time slot in the morning or afternoon.

Parish Nurses

Faith Community Nurses are licensed, registered nurses who practice holistic health for self, individuals, and the community using nursing knowledge combined with spiritual care. The focus of our work is on the intentional care of the spirit, assisting the members of the faith community and other faith-based organizations to maintain and/or regain wholeness in body, mind, and spirit. For example, Church of the Epiphany parish nurses have helped members of the congregation work with insurance companies and hospitals to reduce medical bills, request specific assistance with home care, find ride assistance to doctor appointments, understand new medications or health diagnoses, assist with breastfeeding difficulties, monitor blood pressure and heart rates, and understand and complete medical power of attorney/advanced directive paperwork.

Refugee Ministry

This ministry supports refugees entering our country who have arrived in our community. We partner with other ministries in the metroplex to help these refugees acclimate to their new environment. Recently we collected gently used furniture for incoming refugees.

Seasonal Choirs

For parishoners and other members of the community who are unable to make a weekly commitment during the program year, we offer two seasonal choirs: the Lessons & Carols choir in December and the Easter Vigil choir in the spring.

St. Cecilia Choir

Named for the patron saint of music, the St. Cecilia Choir is comprised of children in grades 3-6. This ensemble sings at select Sunday worship services and together with the Cherub and Youth Choirs in presenting the annual Christmas pageant. Choristers are proper singing techniques in conjunction with materials produced by the Royal School of Church Music.


Ushers serve as ministers of hospitality. This involves greeting worshipers prior to the service, providing assistance to visitors, and being responsive to requests for information or special needs. Ushers also support the flow of the service by helping with communion and taking the offertory.

Walking the Mourner's Path

The ministry of Walking the Mourner's Path seeks to serve individuals who are in grief through a series of Eight Week Workshops.Together in the small workshops individuals recognize that each journey through grief is unique, share stories, experience both tears and laughter, and find healing and joy.

Youth Choir

The Youth Choir is open to singers in grades 7-12. This ensemble sings on the first Sunday of each month during the Holy Eucharist at 11:00 AM. They also join with the Cherub and St. Cecila Choirs in presenting the annual Christmas pageant on Christmas Eve. Choristers are taught proper singing technique in conjunction with materials produced by the Royal School of Church Music.

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421 Custer Road Richardson, TX 75080  |  |  Tel: 972-690-0095

 Church Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9am-5pm

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