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Campus Improvement Day

Saturday, April 1

9:00AM - 12:00PM

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to help on Campus Improvement Day. You can still sign up in the Servants Hall gathering area.

This event also involves the opportunity to donate funds to support "our cause". The average price of a shrub (in a 3 gallon container) is about $22; we plan on installing 72 shrubs. Purchasing new plant material is not a budget line-item, so every dollar will help us achieve our objective. See the donate button below.

We have several leaders, with one in each general direction, plus additional guidance for niche areas (like the courtyard). As the work-weekend draws closer, we will provide more details regarding the day's activities. For now please plan on:

  • Dressing appropriately for the temperatures, including wearing sunblock and a hat, plus gloves

  • Bringing your own reusable water bottle

  • Providing any hand-tools you think might be beneficial. We will be installing 72 shrubs, so extra shovels will certainly be welcomed.

If you would like to donate please CLICK HERE

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 Church Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9am-5pm

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