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Grief Ministry

Walking the Mourner’s Path is a faith-based grief program. Epiphany’s seventh group will start down the path on Monday, January 22 and will meet weekly through March 11. It will be led by two trained facilitators and supported spiritually by clergy. Each of the participants in the program has an anonymous prayer partner who prays faithfully during the program

This program has proven beneficial, even transformative, to people in all stages of grief. Who might benefit? One who wishes to renew the joy in their life after a death of a loved one. Someone who sees everyone else going on with their lives, but still feels stuck in grief. An individual who has not yet taken the time to reflect on the life of a loved one, the gift that he or she was, the ways they touched their life. One who wishes to honor the memory of someone who died. Someone who believes they never had the opportunity to fully grieve for someone who died several years ago. Anyone who feels the need to process grief, whether the death was recent, years ago, or somewhere in between. There is no time limit on grief. 

There is a cost for materials collected from participants, but scholarships are available. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. There will be occasional tears; there will be more laughter than tears. There will be homework and there will be chocolate. Should you have questions or even a twinge of a hint that this might apply to you or to someone you know, please email, text, or call Sandy Cook (see Realm for contact info).

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421 Custer Road Richardson, TX 75080  |  |  Tel: 972-690-0095

 Church Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9am-5pm

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