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Handchimes Expansion

Epiphany has been gifted with a new expansion set of handchimes, bringing our total octaves of handchimes to four. This was made possible primarily through a donation made in memory of Elsie Hicks (a longtime ringer), and with additional donations from members of the Epiphany Ringers. This expansion set adds chimes to both the low and the high ends of the scale to the three octaves that Epiphany already owns.

An octave is a term to describe a range of eight consecutive notes. There can be additional pitches between those notes for a total of 12 pitches (one chime for each pitch) within that octave range. That means that the total number of chimes available to the Epiphany Ringers is now 48. In today’s offertory you will hear all four octaves of chimes from the largest (lowest note) to the smallest (highest note) being played. The purchase of these additional chimes would not have been possible without the generous donations of Epiphany’s parishioners, and we thank them for their amazing gift to the parish! If you missed out this past Sunday, there will be more opportunities in the coming months to hear these again in worship.

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 Church Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9am-5pm

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