Eve of the Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday
Saturday, April 1 @ 5:30PM
Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday
April 2 @ 8:45AM & 11:00AM
Procession of the Palms begins at the Columbarium
Maundy Thursday
April 6 @ 7:00PM, Maundy Thursday Liturgy and First Informed Communion
Good Friday
April 7 @ 12:10PM (No nursery) and 7:00PM, Good Friday Liturgy
No Communion at either service
Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil – Baptism and Confirmation
International Service and Feast - Sign up to bring a dish to share
Saturday, April 8 @ 7:00PM, Holy Eucharist Rite II (Incense)
Easter Sunday
April 9 @ 8:45AM (Incense) and 11:00AM, Holy Eucharist Rite 11
Easter Egg Hunt and Photo Booths @ 10:00AM (Children through 5th Grade)