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Stanton Center for Ministry Formation

Are you interested in learning more about your Christian faith? Are you discerning a call to ordained ministry, or to a fuller role as a lay ministry? If so, consider enrolling in the EDOD’s Stanton Center for Ministry Formation.

The Stanton Center is a wonderful resource available to parishioners throughout the diocese. They offer courses of study to prepare people for roles as lay catechists, evangelists, and other positions of lay leadership. Coursework is also open to those who wish to deepen their faith, and to gain a better understanding of that faith.

They also provide much of the formation for those who seek to be ordained to the vocational diaconate. As a graduate of the Stanton Center, I can assure you that it is a worthwhile program. Some of the best courses I have taken in my academic career were at the Stanton Center.

For those who are discerning a call to ordained ministry, taking a class through the Stanton Center is a wonderful place to start. You will have opportunities to fellowship and learn with other believers who are seeking and discerning. Classes meet one Saturday per month and are offered for audit or for credit.

Best of all, Epiphany’s Father Chris Stephen will be teaching a course on church history. I have found that an understanding of the Church’s history enhances one’s understanding of theology. I would highly recommend it.

For more information on coursework, registration, and fees, visit the diocesan website at Episcopal Diocese of Dallas

David W. Gibson

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 Church Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9am-5pm

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