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Walking the Mourners Path Grief Ministry

Walking the Mourner’s Path is a faith-based small group grief program which Epiphany offers on a regular basis. Sessions are led by trained facilitators and supported spiritually by clergy. Each person also has an anonymous prayer partner praying faithfully for them during the eight-week course.

This program has benefitted people in all stages of grief, from those mourning relatively recent deaths through those dealing with deaths of loved ones long ago. There is no time limit to grief. Participants honor the memory of those whom they loved and celebrate through the closing Eucharist. There will be occasional tears; there will be more laughter than tears. There will be homework; there will be chocolate.

Materials cost us $65.00 per person. We collect this from participants, but scholarships are available. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

The next session will be held on Saturday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00, March 22 through May 10 (taking off Holy Saturday). Because this is a small group, absences impact the program. Please plan to attend all sessions. 

Epiphany parishoners who wish to particiate, please contact Sandy Cook (contact info in Realm).

Non-parishoners, please email for more info or to sign up.

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421 Custer Road Richardson, TX 75080  |  |  Tel: 972-690-0095

 Church Office Hours: Mon - Thu: 9am-5pm

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